If I asked you what you thought was humanity’s most dangerous idea, I wonder what you would choose.
Splitting the atom? Perhaps Religion?
For me, it’s this. That the end justifies the means.
Let’s just look around and see where that idea has taken us.
A drone strike killed a dozen innocent civilians, but also killed a senior ISIS figure. The end justified the means.
The US Republican Party back a moral degenerate and liar to be president. And when he becomes president and, no surprise, said moral degenerate, aka Donald Trump, engages in massive obstruction of justice, while using the presidency to increase his personal wealth, the party does nothing.
When Trump is finally impeached, they protect him, despite massive and clear evidence of guilt.
But Trump helps the GOP retain the dregs of its dwindling power. The end justified the means.
Here in Australia, The LNP ignore science along with masses of incontrovertible evidence that Global Warming is a clear and present crisis, because they sense that enough ill informed conservatives will get them over the election line. The end justified the means.
We, each one of us, live with a cruel policy that locks up refugees for years, driving many of them to insanity or even suicide, but it… wait for it… Stops the Boats. The end justified the means.
In Burma, the military commit genocide to get rid of the Rohingya people. But it makes land available for ethnic Burmese people, so… the end justified the means.
All over the world, religious institutions systematically sacrifice children to pedophiles, in order to protect the image of said institutions.
It always begins small. A bishop moves a priest who’s improperly touched a child to a new parish. It was only a small thing, and he promised he’d never do it again.
Suddenly there are a hundred little ones who’s lives have been savagely scarred. The end justified the means.
And once that idea takes hold, that the end justifies the means, then eventually any deed, no matter how evil can be defended, simply by presenting it as the only way to achieve some deeply desired objective.
But who decides how much pain and suffering caused by the means is justified by the nirvana to be had from the ends?
It turns out, that decision is only ever made by those who benefit most from the ends.
Those who pay the price?
Well, they never have a say.
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