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Month: February 2019

You Won’t Believe What Some Folks Believe

There was a time, only a few generations ago, when conspiracy theorists and believers in the ridiculous would mostly be found sitting in the corner of their local, mumbling into their beer.

Occasionally one of them would hit the jackpot and link up with a few fellow believers, in which case they would sit together in the corner taking it in turns to mumble into their beer.

And then, along came the internet and millions of the exceedingly gullible were suddenly able to share and build upon each other’s delusions.

The promised land opened before them, and lo, Peak Stupid was achieved.

A US pollster Yougov recently discovered that as many as a third of Americans believe the earth is flat despite several decades of observations and photos from space to the contrary. Post Game of Thrones, their model has expanded to include that the earth is not only flat but surrounded by a wall of ice.

Well of course it is.

Another respected pollster Public Policy Polling found that 4% of Americans believe that the world is secretly run by a group of shape shifting lizards. Why lizards? I have no idea, but a British ex sports broadcaster named David Icke has written a bestseller pushing the notion.

In direct opposition to the Lizard Theory supporters are those who assert that the Illuminati secretly run the world. The Illuminati are merely humans, so the Lizard believers definitely win on the creativity front.

Although, the Illuminati idea has been around since the 15th Century, so it, evidently, has legs.

Around 10% of Americans believe the Chemtrail Theory. This one holds that vapour trails left by aircraft are actually poisons being sprayed on us by our governments, for all manner of nefarious purposes, but mostly to keep us subjugated.

I’ve used American statistics because stats on how many Aussie believers this stuff is hard to come by, although judging by social media debates, I’d guess it’s a sizable number.

And – just a personal observation – I note that a large proportion of One Nation Supporters believe in one or several of these ideas.


Rather makes Global Warming Denialism seem tame by comparison, doesn’t it.

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Of Tribes and Franking Dividends

In the last year or so, Tribalism has become a thing. Usually in reference to the Left/Right political divide.
But, the reality is, we have all, always, been tribal. And to further complicate matters, we all belong, simultaneously to many tribes, some more important than others.
This Tribalism is a slippery little sucker.

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There are, obviously, skin colour tribes, gender tribes and sexual orientation tribes. There are where we were educated tribes, which church we belong to tribes, and so on.
The tribes we belong to matter, to us and to others. They define what we choose to believe, what we wear and the stories we tell ourselves and others about who we are and what we stand for.
Which brings me to the Great Franked Dividend debate.
Here we have a group of people, mostly well to do, and mostly seniors, or at least folks knocking on the door of seniorhood. There are a couple of tribes right there.
But if we’d have spoken to these folk a month or two ago, and asked them which tribe was most important, I reckon, given their demographic, they’d have said that first and foremost, they were patriotic Australians.
If asked, they’d have likely talked with pride about Anzac Day, and our easy going ways and what a great and decent people we Aussies are.
Indeed, many of them would recognize,
“There was movement at the station,   
for the word had got around,
that the colt from old Regret had got away…”
Many would even say they’d sacrifice themselves for their country and speak with reverence about those who had.
And then along came the Franked Dividends issue.
These same folk were asked to give up a little of there-well-to-doness for the good of the country; so that more money would be available to do good for the nation, and for their fellow Australians.
And lo, a new tribe was born.
Suddenly their Aussieness was no longer their preeminent tribe.
This new tribe, one that didn’t even exist back at Christmas time, was suddenly so important to them that, as we saw, some were prepared to be violent towards their old Aussie tribe members;the tribe that used to matter so much.
We’re all like that, to varying degrees. Politicians know this.
They spend fortunes and countless days trying to convince to join this or that tribe.
As I said at the outcome, Tribes are slippery. They come and they go and they change their shape.
But here’s what doesn’t change: If you want to understand why we human critters do what we do, first figure out what tribes we have decided to join.

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Partly Global Warming?

Last month I was in the US, where I learned that in California the reality of Human Induced Global warming is pretty much a given, but in the rest of the country there’s still a fairly brutal debate going on.

And in the UK, there’s still a fair bit of disagreement.

Here in Oz, we’re finally starting to reach agreement, although Sky News isn’t giving up without a fight.

But in Europe, at least the western part, there’s virtually 100% acceptance of Global Warming and the need for urgent action.

Ditto in Asia and Africa.

So, we see the worst foot dragging and the most resistance to the notion that we are making the planet hotter, in the US, Australia and the UK.

Now, these are also the societies where the Murdoch Press is most active.

Coincidence? I don’t think so.

Which leads me to ask, should Rupert Murdoch be tried for Crimes Against Humanity?
And if you think he should, then the next question is, how do we make that happen?

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Copyright Anthony Element 2019